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Matchless WD

Our aim is to assist in the preservation of Matchless WD motorcycles. 

Our objective is to be accurate and thorough in documenting Matchless WD 350 OHV models G3-WO and G3L (1939-1945) and their use during the Second World War period.

By sharing our knowledge, documents and photos, we have created a comprehensive and freely available resource – you can help improve this by making your own contributions.

Some material on this site is subject to copyright. It is published for your personal interest and use but written permission from the site owner must be gained prior to making use of it for any other purpose.

In particular it is important to highlight the very skilful contributions made by Sam Warner, Lex Schmidt, John Ready and Arne Eriksen. I admire your professionalism, dedication and willingness to make your hard work so freely available.

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